The Derbyshire Travelling Gavel has had huge success in promoting inter-lodge visits as well as creating a fun competition for Derbyshire Lodges to ‘claim’ the gavel.
It is also a very good tool to promote a Lodge website and social media.
At the moment it is not possible for physical lodge meetings or visits and our masonic community has started to move online, hosting regular Zoom meetings to keep in touch.
Brethren have started to visit other Lodge Zoom meetings other than their own, in a similar way to visiting another Lodge.
Amadeus Lodge are pleased to announce that starting from Thursday 28th May 2020, they will be awarding the ‘Amadeus Travelling Headset’ to the Lodge who fields the most visitors to their Zoom Meeting on that night.
The Lodge awarded the Travelling Headset will receive a Jpeg image to display on their Website and/or Social Media as well as a Virtual Background for their next Zoom Meetings.
The image will be passed to the next Lodge who ‘claims’ the Headset.
The Amadeus Travelling Headset would promote online inter-lodge visits in the same way that the Travelling Gavel promotes physical visits, as well as promoting the use of online video-conferencing for lodge members.
Where's The Headset...
The Amadeus Travelling Headset
The Travelling Headset has now completed its journey during the pandemic, arriving home to Amadeus Lodge on August 18th 2021.
There will be a presentation evening at Dore Masonic Hall on Thursday 23rd September 2021 for all the "Headset Lodges'.
Previous holders...
28th May 2020 - Bradelei Lodge 9205 - Belper
16th June 2020 - St Werburga Lodge 4147 - Littleover
26th June 2020 - Bretby Lodge 9063 - Burton upon Trent
24th July 2020 - Lodge of Repose 802 - Littleover
17th September 2020 - St Werburga Lodge 4147 - Littleover
29th October 2020 - Derbyshire Lodge of Installed Masters 8509 - Littleover
26th November 2020 - Derbyshire Motorcycle Lodge 9950 - Ilkeston
22nd December 2020 - Okeover Lodge 1324 - Ripley
7th January 2021 - Amadeus Lodge 9539 - Dore
11th February 2021 - Bradelei Lodge 9205 - Belper
2nd March 2021 - Hardwick Lodge 2373 - Chesterfield
14th April 2021 - Glossopdale Lodge 625 - Glossop
13th May 2021 - Amadeus Lodge 9530 - Dore
27th May 2021 - Beauchief Abbey Lodge 3793 - Dore
14th June 2021 - Dronfield Lodge 9570 - Dore
5th July 2021 - Round Table Lodge of Derbyshire 8725 - Dore
18th August 2021 - Amadeus Lodge 9539 - Dore
The Travelling Headset is the property of Amadeus Lodge, overseen by their Social Media Officer, Bro. Andy Glaves.
The Travelling Headset is to be used by the Brethren of the Province of Derbyshire and the purpose of the Travelling Headset is to promote Friendship, Brotherly love, and the enjoyment of online visiting utilising the Zoom video conferencing platform amongst the Brethren within the Province. The rules are as follows...
To attempt to ‘Claim the Headset’, a lodge must visit an online Zoom meeting of the Lodge holding the Travelling Headset with at least 2 members from the same Lodge.
Unlike the Travelling Gavel, there is no rule that the 2 visiting members of the same lodge must be principal officers.
A Lodge who successfully claims the Headset will keep it until their next Zoom meeting where the Headset can be claimed again.
The Headset images, after a successful claim, will be emailed to the winning lodge and will be in .jpeg format. The first will be used a virtual background for the winning lodge’s next two Zoom meetings, the other will be of sufficient size to display on social media and or the winning lodge’s website.
If two or more Lodges visit on the same Zoom meeting, the Lodge with the highest number of visiting members claim the Headset.
In the event two lodges have the same number of brethren then it goes on seniority, Master, SW and JW etc. A lodge with their Master would beat the one with their SW, similarly a Master and SW would beat a Master and JW.
A lodge can hold the headset multiple times with no set limit until Freemasonry restarts.
The Lodge in possession of the Headset is encouraged to display the .jpeg images on their social media and/or website and also to change the background of their Zoom host at their next Zoom meeting to display the Headset image - both images will be provided or available for download upon successfully claiming the Headset.
If there is any doubt as to whether a claim is valid or not - Contact Bro. Andy Glaves - Amadeus Lodge on 07792040422 or smo9539@gmail.com
On every occasion, a lodge who successfully claims the Headset must inform Bro. Andy Glaves, Amadeus Lodge Social Media Officer on 07792040422 or smofficer9539@gmail.com of its location and the date it was transferred to their keeping so that images can be sent for display, the Travelling Headset webpage updated and a date and time can be published of the next zoom meeting the Headset can be claimed.
When posting on social media, Lodges are encouraged to use the hashtag #travellingheadset alongside their usual hashtags.
Only Lodges under the jurisdiction of The Province of Derbyshire may claim the Headset
Here you can download the following...
PDF copy of the rules
Social media image of the Traveling Headset badge
Zoom Virtual Background
Information on how to set up a Zoom Virtual Background
For more information or if you have any questions, contact..
Bro. Andy Glaves - Amadeus Lodge Social Media Officer
The Rules
Social Media Image
Zoom Virtual Background
Zoom Virtual Background Tutorial